Two papers and an expert interview series on investment in renewable energy in developing countries provide actionable recommendations to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.

The zero-carbon energy transition is the solution to the 2022 energy crisis and a fundamental part of the solution to the global climate crisis. But there are relatively low levels of investment in renewable energy in developing countries, hindering their achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and contribution to the Paris Agreement goals. There is therefore an urgent need to scale public and private finance for investment in renewable electricity generation, network infrastructure, and end-use sectors.

The CCSI team has prepared two reports (and an Executive Summary) on the roadblocks and drivers of investment in renewable energy in developing countries:

These reports not only identify the main roadblocks to investment in renewables but also provide actionable recommendations that developing countries should take to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, and to decarbonize their energy systems and economies, with a view to achieving the SDGs and the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

In addition to these two reports, the CCSI team interviewed five experts on key factors that impact the scaling of renewable energy projects:

Scaling Investment in Renewable Energy Generation report cover

Scaling Investment in Renewable Energy Generation to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and 13 (Climate Action) and the Paris Agreement: Roadblocks and Drivers

The Role of Investment Treaties and Investor–State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in Renewable Energy Investments

The Role of Investment Treaties and Investor–State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in Renewable Energy Investments

Infographic thumb on the role of investment treaties and ISDS in hindering progress toward renewable energy goals

Infographic on the role of investment treaties and ISDS in hindering progress toward renewable energy goals

Lisa Sachs headshot
Lisa Sachs
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment